Recently, CNBC scored the fifty states in America on over sixty areas of business competitiveness for 2017. According to USAFIS, a private immigration service, this report can help foreign nationals decide where they might want to move when relocating to the U.S. to find job opportunities.
How the Report Was Compiled
The report from CNBC is based on Overall Score, Workforce, Infrastructure, Cost of Doing Business, Economy, Quality of Life, Technology and Innovation, Education, Business Friendliness, Access to Capital, and Cost of Living. According to USAFIS, “These ten categories offer very valuable information to foreign nationals considering moving to the United States. Here are the top ten results from each area of the report.
Overall Competitiveness
- Georgi
- Minnesota
- Texas
- North Carolina
- Colorado
- Virginia
- Utah
- Tennessee
- Massachusetts
Other Results
Here are the top two places in individual categories. For competition in the workforce, Texas ranked #1, and Virginia ranked #2. Regarding infrastructure, Texas also ranked #1 in this category, while Tennessee ranked #2. For cost of doing business, Mississippi ranked #1 and Indiana ranked #2. Georgia ranked #1 for economy and Florida ranked #2. For quality of life, Hawaii ranked #1 and Vermont ranked #2.
Massachusetts ranked #1 for technology and innovation, and Florida ranked #2. Massachusetts also ranked #1 for education, and Minnesota ranked #2. For business friendliness, New Hampshire ranked #1, and South Dakota ranked #2.
When it came to access to capital, California was #1, while New York ranked in the #2 spot. Finally, in regard to cost of living, Mississippi ranked #1, while Indiana came in #2. Contact USAFIS today for information on how you can live and work in the United States.